International Peace Park Playground

City: Blacktown, NSW
Country: Australia

Location: International Peace Park Playground, 7 Rowley Stree, Blacktown, NSW 2147
Client: Blacktown City Council
Age Range: 2+ years
Year: 2021

International Peace Park Playground is located on a stretch of open space that is situated along Blacktown Creek in Seven Hills. The reserve consists of a number of sportsfield include softball diamonds and a field used for cricket in the summer sport season and rugby league in the during the winter sport season. This playground has a lot of fun on offer: multiple swings, a flying fox, an Ixo climbing structure, a hip hop and a Diabolo Multi-Play unit.

Ideal for a wide age and ability range, offering fun at challenging and not so challenging levels for everyone to test their limits. A picnic table and multiple seating options are available around the play area. Come and play!