We offer playgrounds and sports areas with design solutions that are capable of standing the test of time….and weather, in all climate conditions. From the outset, our products are engineered to incorporate sustainable materials that are guaranteed for their solidity and designed to ensure repairability.

Pillar 1, Sustainability, is guaranteed by 3 indicators:
– Repairability Index,
– Playgroung longevity index,
– Playground equipment durability.


Definition :
The repairability index informs the customer about the repairability of the purchased product. By displaying a score out of 10, this index is based on the official grid created by the French government and adapted to the context of Proludic.

Proludic solutions are built to last. And to ensure their durability, we’ve created the first repairability index for playgrounds and sports areas. Every piece of equipment we produce features an index which reflects its level of repairability. This index is based on five criteria:

  1. easy access to all documentation relating to a product,
  2. ease of disassembly,
  3. availability of spare parts,
  4. the price of parts,
  5. Proludic diagnostic & after-sales capabilities.

The repairability index for Proludic equipment is 9,12/10


Proludic playgrounds are not only designed for people of all ages and abilities to enjoy – they’re made to
stand the test of time. In 35 years, more than 100,000 playgrounds and sports areas have been built with our equipment. We base our longevity index on a worldwide periodic study of our subsidiaries to assess:

– the current condition of the playground,
– safety,
– functionality,
– wear.

The rating of the general condition of the playground and sports area was determined using a sample of 134 playgrounds with defined criteria ranging from 1 to 5:
5/5 Entire play area usable and in good condition,
4/5 Playground with traces of normal use but fully functional, without risk to safety,
3/5 Playground with traces of advanced use but fully functional, without risk to safety,
2/5 Playground with traces of advanced use and partially functional, without risk to safety,
1/5 Playground severely degraded and presenting security risks.

90% of our old playgrounds (average age 16 years) are fully functional


Proludic equipment has proven its durability in more than 55 countries around the world. So no matter the climatic conditions – whether it’s frost, heat waves, wind, or snow – the long life of our solutions is guaranteed. As part of our strategy for innovative design, we seek out ways to improve the design of our playground and sports equipment to extend their service life. We source and procure increasingly durable and environmentally friendly materials as they become available.

Proludic equipment is perfectly durable under all weather conditions.

Discover the Pillar 2

Taking action against global warming