Raffles Walk Park Playground

City: Werribee, VIC
Country: Australia

Location: Raffles Walk Park Playground, 86 Grandvista Blvd, Werribee, Victoria 3030
Client: Urban Edge Landscape Architects ; Peet Limited (Developer) ; LD Total (Contractor)
Age: 2+ years
Year:  2020


The playground at Cornerstone, Raffles Walk Park, is perfect for climbers of all ages. Featuring a custom-designed Proludic Kanopé Tree Tower (custom J56100) with giant tube slide and adventure trail for older children, a custom Diabolo Multiplay (custom J38108) and a climbing and balancing rope course (J5408-M) for younger children. Children become adventurous explorers whilst developing more skills and confidence through the numerous play elements and obstacles.

Cornerstone playground

Cornerstone playground

We worked collaboratively with Urban Edge Landscape Architects to custom design and develop the Proludic play equipment, which was then brought to life by LD Total and the Proludic construction team.

In addition, the playspace includes boulders for more climbing opportunities, swings, carousel, pathways for bikes and a covered picnic area for a perfect day out with family and friends!

Raffles Walk Park was developed by Peet Limited Peet Communities in collaboration with Mamma Knows West.