Lawrence Memorial Playground

City: Clarence Valley, NSW
Country: Australia

Location: Bridge St At Richmond Street, Lawrence NSW 2460
Client: Clarence Valley Council
Age: 1+ years
Year: 2020


Giant Crocodile in sight at Lawrence Memorial Park, on the edge of the Clarence River !
Lawrence locals are enjoying the park upgrade which features Proludic’s Crocodile. The themed play equipment includes plenty of fun elements such as a wobbly bridge, climbing nets, monkey bars and slide that stimulate children’s motor functions and inspire their imagination. The playground also features a Jeep, Cableway, swings, Springer and Xylophone.
The renewed playground also incorporates a children’s bike track with fun street signs, a roundabout and pedestrian crossing, new native trees and picnic tables which create a playful and pleasant environment for the whole community.
Crocodile-themed play equipment

Crocodile-themed play equipment at Lawrence Memorial Park