Friendship Place Playground

City: Fraser Rise, VIC
Country: Australia

Location: Friendship Place Playground, 31 Cherish Street, Fraser Rise VIC 3336
Client: Growland
Age: 2+ years
Year:  2022


The fabulous Friendship Place Playground is part of the Botania Community development by Growland. The majestic bespoke Kanope tree tower with two slides was built on a rise to give the little Botanians the best view over the park and its surroundings. The variety of play solutions provides hours of fun and adventures to little people including swinging, climbing, rocking and sensory play.

The playground is surrounded by parkland where residents can enjoy picnics, ball games or walkies with a furry friend. The park shelter next to the playground is equipped with a BBQ and picnic table, which invites families to spend quality time in the outdoors.