Bales Park Playground

City: Chatswood, NSW
Country: Australia

Location: Bales Park Playground, 55 Stanley Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067
Client: Willoughby City Council
Age Range:  1+ years
Year: 2022

Bales Park Playground is a local legend and well loved by its community. It is a small playground that offers a lot of play value to little players and their more adventurous siblings. From low and easy accessible to more challenging climbing options, this space has it all. The iconic highlight of the playground is the Proludic choo-choo train. The locomotive engine with two wagons takes everyone on an imaginative adventure. Manipulative play panels and sand play not only offer sensory play but also have huge developmental benefits. There is also a slide and a springer for even more fun.

Surrounded by trees this playspace invites to play stay offering a bubbler, picnic table and a BBQ.

Make Bales Park Playground your next destination, choo-choo!


Do you want to learn more about this project? Read our news article here