Discover Proludic’s new ACTI’FUN solution: the playful way to move and feel good!

Motivating people to get active outdoors is challenging so Proludic have created the ACTI’Fun solution to make fitness more fun and enjoyable. Designed to be inclusive and appealing to all ages, ACTI’Fun promotes playful fitness to inspire people to overcome the barriers that stop them from being active, and get moving outside.

When exercise is fun, we’re motivated to make it a habit. Each piece of equipment in our ACTI’Fun ranges is qualified by seven key fun-sport motivations. Together, they enhance enjoyment of the activity, encouraging people to be physically active more often.

fun-fitness motivations

Each piece of ACTI’Fun equipment addresses one or more of our fitness formula ingredients. For each model, we’ve measured and calculated the activation of four elements of the fitness formula – muscle strength, heart health, balance, and coordination. Now you can design an outdoor fitness area with a range of fitness targets appealing to different user groups by combining different ACTI’Fun units – easy!

ACTI’FUN: three fun-fitness ranges that everyone will love

There are three ranges in the ACTI’Fun solution: ACTI’NinjaACTI’Street, and ACTI’Fit. Central to the design of all three is their appeal to all body types, with mixed ability, intergenerational, and inclusive engagement built in.

This formula has also been used to create the ACTI’FUN App; a virtual coach with a wealth of exercises to suit all ability levels. Users can access instructional videos and cues, track their progress and challenge a buddy.

Commercial outdoor fitness equipment

Are you ready to learn more to help your community have fun and get fit?

Get in touch for advice about how to acti’vate an ACTI’Fun solution for your next outdoor fitness area project!

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