Riverside Park Adventure Playground

City: Swan Hill, VIC
Country: Australia

Location: Riverside Park, Monash Drive,  Swan Hill, VIC 3585
Client: Swan Hill Rural City Council
Age: 1+ years
Year:  2019


Riverside Park in Swan Hill is an exciting Adventure Playground combined with art. A central feature of the playspace is Proludic’s staggering 8.7 metre high Kanopé Tree Tower  – the first of its kind in Victoria.

To help strengthen the community’s connection with the playground, Swan-Hill-born indigenous artist Sandra Kropinyeri designed artwork for the play tower and other features of the park. Proludic’s expertise with our award-winning Grafic Games technique was then employed to create the artwork on the Kanopé play tower which connects with the local environment and encourages imaginative play. The artwork shares traditional stories of the Swan Hill region.

customised colour palette of earthy tones was designed for the Tower to complement the landscape character of the local environment of the Swan Hill region.

View the Riverside Park Adventure Playground case study to find out more…